Senior Summer Seminar
August 6th, 7th & 8th 2024
The Senior Summer Seminar is now in its 9th year!
Every Summer in the beginning of August the Seniors of Immanuel gather for 3 days of Devotions, Bible Study, and Hymn Sings – and Presentations on relevant topics.
This year their theme is Faith Hope Love from 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Look for registration information to come out in July but, for now, Seniors save the dates of August 6th, 7th, and 8th.
Special presentations will include
August 1 “Lifting the Burden of Loss” Dr. Ken Doka
In this session we focus on the ways you can support others as they journey with grief and loss.
August 2 “The Military Chaplain: Providing for one’s own, Facilitating for others, and Caring for all.”
Pr. Bill Flammann
August 3 “Avoiding Driving Challenges Seniors Face.” Trip Thunhorst